Chennai Metro Rail Limited Recruitment for Engineers

(A Joint Venture of Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu)
ADVT No. : CMRL/HR/02/2012
Applications are invited from dynamic and result oriented Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Architecture, Electrical, Electrical & Electronics and Electronics & Communication Engineering), for the CMRL sponsored PG Diploma Course in “Metro Rail Technology and Management”. The total number of seats is 13, which may undergo slight change.
  • Engineers - 13 Posts, Discipline : Civil-02, Mechanical - 02, Electrical / Electrical & Electronics-04, Electronics & Communication -04, Architecture-01. Age Limit : Not More than 28 Years. Qualification : First-class graduates with minimum aggregate average of 70% marks (relaxed by 5% for SC/ST candidates) in Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics / Electronics and Communication Engineering/Architecture from a recognized University/Institute are eligible to apply.
Last Date : 20/04/2012.
How to apply :- Duly filled in application form (See Annexure for application form) along with the Application Fees should be sent in an envelope super scribing on the cover- “Application for PG Diploma course” and the name of discipline to reach the following address latest by 20-04-2012. The Programme Coordinator CMRL sponsored PG Diploma Course Department of Civil Engineering IIT Madras, Chennai-600 036
For More Details Click Here
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