High Court of Gujarath Recruitment of Civil Judges - May 2012. | www.hcrec.guj.nic.in

The High Court of Gujarat invites Online applications from the eligible candidates, for filling up, by Competitive Examination, approximately 320 vacancies (33 Regular + 287 Ad-hoc),
  • Civil Judge -320 Posts, Pay Scale : Rs.27,700-770-33,090-930-40,530-1080-44,850/- Plus allowances as admissible under the Rules. Qualification : Candidate must possess a Degree in Law from a University recognized by law in India and must be practising as an Advocate in Courts of Civil and / or Criminal Jurisdiction on the last date fixed for submission of on-line application.OR Must have worked in Courts or other allied departments for at least five years and must possess Degree in Law (Special) from a University recognized by law in India, and Must possess Certificates possessing basic knowledge of Computer Application/operation issued by Government or private Institute as set out by Government in General Administrative Department Resolution Nos. PRCH-102005-1532-C dtd. 30/09/2006 and CRR-10-2007-120320-G.5 td.13/08/2008. Age Limit : A candidate must not have crossed the age of 35 years and must not have completed as on the last date fixed for submission of Online application 38 years of age.
Last Date for Online Apply : 15/05/2012.
How to apply:-The candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially & Educationally Backward Classes or orthopedically Disabled Persons are required to pay fees of Rs. 250/- plus Bank Charges and all other candidates are required to pay fees of Rs. 500/- plus Bank Charges. The candidates making payment of fees shall remit the same in Current Bank Account No. 30725811785 with the State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Ahmedabad, held in the name of Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service branches of the State Bank of India using the Cash Voucher in the special format appended to this Advertisement, from 30/04/2012 to 15/05/2012 during bank working days and hours.
For More Details & Online Apply Click Here
Posted for: http://indianjobsopening.blogspot.in//.

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