(A ‘Navratna’ Govt. of India Enterprise)
P.O. NEYVELI-607 801, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu
(Regd. Office: 135 Periyar EVR High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-600 010)
Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC), a premier ‘NAVRATNA’ Public Sector Enterprise with a present annual turnover of Rs.4866 Crore (approx.) is spreading its wings in the frontiers of Mining and Power generation requires suitable candidates for engagement as Industrial Trainees (Finance) purely for a period of 12 months.
- Industrial Trainee(Finance) - 50 Posts, Qualification : Pass in Intermediate Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) (or) Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI). Stipend : Rs.7500/- (Consloidated), Age Limit :should not have completed 28 years.
Walk In Interview :- Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may Walk-in for an Interview at 10.00 Hrs. on 04/08/2012 at “Neyveli House”, 135 Periyar E.V.R. High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai - 10 along with all the original certificates including community certificate, a set of Photostat copy of all the certificates and Bio-Data in the prescribed format (Model form available at www.nlcindia.com).
For More Details & Application Form Click HerePosted for: http://indianjobopening.blogspot.in/