Federal Bank Recruitment of Clerks and Probationary Officers - June 2012 | www.federalbank.co.in

Regd. Office: Aluva, Kerala.
Federal Bank, a leading Private Sector Bank invites applications from aspiring, young, talented and dynamic personnel holding a valid score card of Common Written Examination (CWE) issued by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) and who are looking for a challenging work environment and progressive career, for the following positions.
  • Clerks, Qualification : Graduation with minimum 55% marks for science subjects and minimum 50% marks for other streams from any recognised university or other institutions established by an Act of parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of U G C Act, 1956. (Candidate should possess this qualification as on 01.11.2011. The result of the graduation should be awarded by the university on or before 01.11.2011.)
  • Probationary Officers, Qualification : Graduation in any discipline with minimum 60% marks from any recognized university or other institutions established by an Act of parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of U G C Act, 1956. (Candidate should possess this qualification as on 01.11.2011. The result of the graduation should be awarded by the university on or before 01.11.2011.)
Last date for Online Apply : 25/06/2012.
How to apply :-Eligible candidates are advised to apply online between 11.06.2012 and 25.06.2012 (both days inclusive) only through the Bank‟s website www.federalbank.co.in after carefully going through the instructions contained in this advertisement
For More Details & Online Apply Click Here
Posted for: http://indianjobopening.blogspot.in/

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