Railway Recruitment Board
Centralized Employement Notice No.04/2012Applications are invited in prescribed format on A-4 size bond paper of 80 GSM using one side only from eligible Indian Nationals for the following posts of TECHNICIANS. Applications complete in all respects along with required enclosures should be sent by Ordinary Post to the Railway Recruitment Boards concerned as mentioned in para 15 of this notification, so as to reach on or before 16.07.2012 up to 17.30 Hrs:-
- Technicians - 12042 Posts (UR-5814,SC-1889,ST-1355,OBC-2991,ExSM-1114),Age Limit : 18 to 30 Years, Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200 + GP.Rs.2400/- and Technician Gr.III. Rs.5200-20200 + GP.Rs.1900/-,
How to apply :-The examination fee is non-refundable. It should be paid in the form of a crossed Demand Draft, valid for a period of 3 months, to be drawn at the main branch of any of the Nationalized Banks, or in the form of Crossed Indian Postal Order, drawn in favour of ‘Assistant Secretary or Secretary or Member Secretary or Chairman, Railway Recruitment Board' of RRBs concerned, as mentioned in para 15. The Bank Drafts/Indian Postal Orders should be payable at the place where the Railway Recruitment Board is situated. The Indian Postal Orders/Bank Drafts should not be obtained earlier to the date of issue of this Centralised Employment Notice or after the closing date.Applications which are illegible, incomplete, unsigned, signed in capital letters, not in prescribed format, without photo of candidate, not having IPO/DD for requisite amount or having IPO/DD purchased before date of issue of and after closing date of Centralised Employment Notice are liable to be rejected
For More Details & Application Form Click HerePosted for: http://indianjobopening.blogspot.in/