(Govt. of India Undertaking)
HYDERABAD - 500 042.
Advt No.HAL/-HYD /2012/012Avionics Division, Hyderabad, a unit of HAL’s vast network invites applications from the eligible candidates in the prescribed proforma fulfilling the requirement for the following posts for its Medical Centre, Hyderabad:
- Sr.Medical Officer(Physician ) - 03 Posts(UR-01,OBC-02), Pay Scale :Rs.20600-46500/-
- Warranty Technician - 47 Posts, Pay Scale :Rs.9250-27170/-
- Interpreter (Russian Language ) - 02 Posts, Remuneration : Rs.22932/- p.m.
How to apply:-Candidates meeting the above requirements should submit their application strictly in the prescribed format .Applications complete in all respects should reach the Deputy Manager (HR )—TM, Recruitment Cell, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Avionics Division, Balanagar, Hyderabad – 500 042 on or before 30.06.12.
For More Details & Application Form Click HerePosted for: http://indianjobsopening.blogspot.in//.