NSCBI Airport, Kolkata-52
Applications are invited from the candidates who are domicile of West Bengal, Bihar Odisha, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Port Blair for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) NE-4.
- Junior Assistant (Fire Service) - 72 Posts (SC-12,ST-09, OBC-11, UR-40) , Pay Scale :Rs. 12500 to 28500/-, Age Limit : 18 to 30 Years, Qualification : a) 10th Pass + 3 years’ approved regular Diploma in Mechanical / Automobile / Fire with minimum 50 % marks; OR b) 12th Pass (Regular Study) with 50 % marks.
How to apply :-Candidates fulfilling the above conditions may submit their application in Hindi/English as per the following prescribed format addressed to The Regional Executive Director (Eastern Region), Airports Authority of India, New Operational Building, NSCBI Airport,Kolkata-700 052 (The envelop should superscribe the category and the post applied for) along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) (non refundable) drawn in favour of Airports Authority of India, payable at Kolkata so as to reach on or before 30.07.2012.
For More Details & Application Form Click HerePosted for: http://indianjobopening.blogspot.in/